
As a one of the best IP law firms in Vietnam, with our deep and wide range experience in this field, we also provide a unique translation service specialized in patent and technology. Our clients are private enterprises, government sectors, international corporations in different industries from all over the world.

Members of our translation team are patent attorneys, specialists and experts who are experience in various fields such as biotechnology, biochemistry, pharmaceuticals, chemistry, mechanics, medical devices, electronics, computers, semiconductors, optics, telecommunications, and the like.


How we ensure the quality of our works

Focusing on manpower

Our translators are native Vietnamese, who not only possess great linguistic skills, but also are legal and technology professionals. Members of our team are graduated from the well-recognized universities in Vietnam or other English-speaking countries, some of them has master’s degrees and Ph.D. in relevant with technical, legal, linguistic applied fields.
We have regular recruitment to look for translators to have at least three-year experience in translation of inventions. The new candidates must be bilingual excellent at English and Vietnamese with minimum Bachelor’s degree in the relevant technical industries and has two-year working in the technical fields or IP.
We will provide a three-months full-time training for our new translation members by assigning them translation and proofreading projects under the guide, supports and supervision of the senior translators. After the training process, they can make themselves familiarize with the patent terms, rules, regulations, and prosecutions; in the meantime, they also build their own professional skills in this field. We also conduct regular training for our translators to ensure they continue to be updated the latest developments in their area of expertise, with translation processes and tools, and that they continue to meet our quality standards. There are also possibilities to upgrade their careers for passionate and determined translators, in fact, many of them has obtained qualified patent attorneys after two to five years working with us.

Establishing and developing procedures

To govern the qualities of translation, we have established standard translation procedure for all translation projects and developed a process to handle terminology specialised in patent.

Our translators work on team, and they may discuss with professors, teachers, researcher from institutes, universities, factories in the corresponding industries to clearly understand each technical term and context of the technical words. For technical terms that are new or may not be available in any professional dictionary, our translators research carefully through different resources and consult with experts in the field.

There are three levels involved in the translation and proofreading process. Translators with the relevant industry background of the invention conduct the initial translation. Patent attorneys having the same background proofreads with the translation. The heads of technical groups will review the completed translation for the last time.  Heads of each technical group are responsible for managing and supervising the individuals involved in translation process. They have relevant technical backgrounds with more than 10-year experience in proofreading and managing translation projects.

The translated versions with the proofreader’s and reviewer’s comments or evaluation shall be sent back to the first translators for finalising before sending to our clients. We are also opened for discussion or clarification on the translation if our clients require after receiving the completed version.

Building our own database and using other translation tools

Throughout the years accumulating the experience in linguistic solution, we have been building our own translation database and updating it regularly.

Our translators can handle translation, editing and proofreading (TEP) using the current CAT tools for including Trados, Memsource, Wordpad, XTM, and so on.

We have built our own platform to manage translation cases to control the translation process and deadlines.

Our rate

Our rates are competitive and transparent. We charge based on word count of source files. For the translation works that are proceeded in the Cat tool, we use fuzzy match breakdown(*) rate to calculate the fees for our clients. We are willing to negotiate or offer the more reasonable fee for cases from ten thousand words and above.

(*) We apply the following fuzzy match breakdown in this field for translation case

Description Percentage of
translation full rate
applied for fuzzy match
Repetitions 20%
100% 20%
95% – 99% 40%
85% – 94% 50%
75% – 84% 70%
50% – 74% 100%
New/AT 100%