Trademark filing requirements
(One trademark application covers goods/services in one or more classes)
- Details of applicant(s) (full name, address, and nationality)
- One print for black and white mark or 10 prints for color mark
- List of goods or services to be protected and, preferably, their international classification(s)
- Original notarized and legalized Declaration of Ownership from Myanmar Embassy or Consulate
- Original notarized and legalized Power of Attorney from Myanmar Embassy or Consulate.
Requirements for renewal
(Registered Trademark needs to renew every three years)
- Original notarized and legalized Power of Attorney
- Original notarized and legalized Declaration of Ownership.
Requirements for recodal
Recordal of an assignment
- Original notarized and legalized Power of Attorney from the Assignor and the Assignee
- Notarized and legalized Declaration of Assignment.